Trueborn Daughter of the Empire, Senator and member of the Optimates.

The Smiling Viper

Licinia fae Lucon

Nos sumus manus, nos sumus deus.

Licinia: Catagraphus.

Age: 26 summers
Race: Pureblood Garlean
City/Culture: Garlemald/Garlean
Spouse: None
Parents: Caecillia eir Aulus & Licinius fae Lucon
Siblings: Licinus pyr Lucon, aka Licinius the Younger
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 62kg
Gender: Female
Likes: Long, hot baths, quiet days in her study, victory after debate, fine dining and Dalmascan wine.
Dislikes: Defeat in the Senate, spending overlong in the provinces, Doman shochu, Neratius het Lucon.


Warning: slight 4.5+ spoilers in the text!

Licinia fae Lucon is the beautiful, fortunate daughter of Praefectus Licinius fae Lucon and Decemvir Caecillia eir Aulus and thus was born into Senate life and raised with politics in her blood. As she grew into a young woman she found a wellspring of support for her ambition, not only on account of her name but on account of the powerful Patronage of her Uncle, the hateful Tribunus Plebis Neratius het Lucon. Neratius worked hard alongside her Father to instil in her the tenets upon which the Lucon family had survived and thrived all those years in the chill of Northern Ilsabard.Her name carried her to the best social circles and the best schola alongside her cousin Vitus wir Lucon, with whom she shared a close kinship. The two founded a group of friends from the same social stratum, all bound together by the schools, functions and events they attended. Before long the idealistic group of privileged young Garleans called themselves the "Audacia" and Licinia was one amongst their number of 20.Not long after she graduated from her studies Licinia was brought swiftly into the civil service and from there it took only the span of a year before she was elected by her peers to serve at the Senate, replacing the seat which her Father had vacated. She was soon introduced to the Optimates faction and made it her political home.

Licinia had made herself a name in the Senate as an eloquent orator. The opportunity to enhance her career yet further still arose when her Uncle put forward her name as part of the Emperor's contingent to the Ghimlyt Dark as the voice of the people. It had been Neratius' duty to attend the planned talks, but business left his hands tied and so Licinia was sent in his stead.When the talks broke down and war erupted Licinia found herself lost in the confusion, too close to enemy lines and too far from the other diplomats. A young mercenary spared Licinia the sad fate of a civilian's death on the battlefield and returned her to her home, though questions lingered in her mind regarding how she had come to be so separated from the rest of the contingent. The moment she began to investigate these questions, Licinia was called away to the provinces to discuss the dull business of infrastructure, again at the behest of her betters.This time to Werlyt, Licinia watched the chaos of the Empire's collapse as the province was liberated. Yet again the Senator barely escaped with her life, having been found by the XVIIth Legion and brought under their protection to a safe house far from the reach of Ilsabard. For a long time, Licinia walked the streets of Eorzea alone, mourning for all she and her beloved homeland had lost. Now the Senator is slowly finding her fire again and formulating a plan for her return.

OOC/RP Hooks

Hello and thank you for reading all about my Garlean Senator Licinia! I hope you enjoyed learning about her and that it sparked a little curiosity in you rather than bored you to sleep. If you've the interest and the time and would like to RP then please don't hesitate to get in touch in game or on Discord. My Discord name is FireTiger and I'm really looking forward to hearing from you.Fancy some RP and don't know where to begin? Here are a few random scenarios that can help get us started if you're feeling stuck.

‣ Are you a Garlean? There's a chance Licinia's name and face both would be easily recognisable to you given her position as a former Senator.‣ Were you perhaps a member of her group of friends, the Audacia, who moved in the privileged circles of Garlean high society?‣ Licinia is currently abroad on diplomacy at the behest of both the Senate and her family. If you see her you can speak to her, she won't bite! She's not allowed to...‣ Soldiers on both sides who fought at the Ghimlyt Dark might well recognise her as having been a member of the Emperor's entourage when she attended as a representative of the Senate.

★ OOCly I'm a friendly and approachable sort of girl who's always open to new RP ideas and learning more about Garlean canon than I presently know.★ I don't pretend to know it all and if there's something I've missed when it comes to the lore then I'd love to learn about it, but I won't tolerate being berated for it. That's just rude!★ I can't believe I have to say this, but I will not tolerate any racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia or generally being an uncool person.★ I am also not any sort of friend to fascists and insist that you simply don't approach me if you're looking to fulfil some sort of nazi power fantasy. The people I RP with don't tolerate or support the actual fash in their spaces and neither should you.★ My timezone is GMT/BST and I am most active during the evenings and weekends.★Sometimes life gets busy for me as I'm sure it will for you so I try to be as open and communicative about what's going on for me and appreciate it when people return the favour.★If I decline RP I can promise you it's nothing personal, it's more than likely because I'm busy with work or family things. I'm always down to discuss ideas and plan RP, so HMU!